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St Matthew's Primary School & Nursery

Book Week 2022- UPDATE

World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March 2022
(Book Week – 28th February-4th March)

 Our World Book Day celebrations are fast approaching and we’re very excited about all the activities that will be helping us to celebrate books and reading in our school:

The Great British Book Off- a whole school book corner competition!

Minutes read = equal pennies for books! The more the children read, the more money they’ll make to spend on books for their class.  During Book Week, children can record the number of minutes they read in their Reading Records. 

Parents and Carers Read a Story - come and read or tell a story to a group or class in your child’s year group. Please email the office with your choices of times and days during Book Week and the Class Teacher will organise a timetable for parents.

Stories from Around the World – during Book Week, each class will be focussing on a story or poem from around the world. Representatives from each class will share a presentation about what they’ve read in Celebration Worship during Book Week.

St Matthew's Mammoth Book Swap - bring in a book you’ve read and swap it for another! Rather than a table in the playground, children can bring their old books (good condition please!) into class during Book Week and swap for a new one!

Story Jars - Children are invited to think about how their favourite storybook could be represented in a jar, by using certain items, quotes or clues about the story. Bring your Story Jar into school on Thursday – World Book Day.  The Story Jars will then be displayed around the school for everyone to enjoy.

World Book Day Character Parade - dress up as your favourite book character. Be creative – try to use items you already have at home, or make something.  You don’t need to buy a new outfit just for Book Day.  One parent per family to the Book Day Parade please:

2.15pm-2.45pm – Early Years and Key Stage 1
2.45pm-3.15pm – Key Stage 2

Author Visit - Michael De Souza is coming back to St Matthew’s! Monday 7th March.

Travelling Book Fair – Book Fair will take place 11th-18th March in the school lobby.