St Matthew's Primary School & Nursery

Our Church 

We have a strong partnership with St Matthew’s Church, Westminster that further strengthens our links with our community.

Fr Philip leads Key Stage 2 Mass at School every Wednesday and the whole school worships at church at least regularly for feast days and end of term services.  

St Matthew’s Westminster is in the heart of London, close to the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Church House. The church was built in 1849 to the design of Sir George Gilbert Scott, greatly enriched by the addition of fittings and glass by C F Bodley, C E Kemp, Martin Travers and others. The Lady Chapel is one of Sir Ninian Comper’s finest early works.

The church was destroyed by fire in 1977 and was reconstructed to a reduced plan and rededicated in 1984. St Matthew’s today is a lively church with a varied programme of ministry.

We were delighted to welcome the Bishop of London to St Matthew's where she presented The Guild of St Nicholas with their servers' medals.

For more information, please visit the Church Wesbsite: