St Matthew's Primary School & Nursery

School Day Timetable

The school day begins at 7.45am in the school hall for some pupils at our Breakfast Club run by Fit For Sport (Extended School Provider).

Breakfast Club is a great way for children to start the school day.

Children are given a healthy and nutritious breakfast as well as the opportunity to prepare their bodies and minds by participating in a wide range of activities.

School starts at 9.00 am.  Any child who arrives after 9.00am is marked as late for school.

These are the school day arrangements in normal times.  Some adaptations have had to be made due to covid-19 restrictions.  Changes and updates can be found on the link below:Changes to the school day - Covid-19.

Early Years:

The EY door (St Ann’s Street) is opened at 8.45am.

Parents are requested to wait outside the Early Years door making the most of the space created by our 'School Street' closure.  The EY door closes at 9am, and entry is then through the red doors on Old Pye Street.  After 9am, children in Early Years are registered as late for school (12.40pm for the afternoon session).

Part-time Nursery children come into school for either the morning sessions (9am-12pm) or the afternoon sessions (12.30pm-3.30pm) and entry is via the Early Years door for these sessions.

The Early Years door opens at 3.20pm for the end of the school day.

Key Stage 1 & 2:

The playground gate (St Ann’s Lane) is opened at 8.45am.

Children in Years 1-6 can come into school from 8.45am.  We operate a soft start which means children go straight to class as soon as they arrive at school.  The playground gate closes at 9.00am and entry is then through the red door (Old Pye Street) where the child is registered as late for school.

If parents would like like to speak to a member of staff before school begins, please contact the school office.

The school day finishes at 3:30pm for children. Pupils in Nursery and Reception are collected from Early Years and pupils in Years 1-6 are collected from the main playground. A range of school led clubs take place after school and extended school provision is run by Fit For Sport until 6pm.

As part of our safeguarding arrangements at school, we do not allow children to go home with an adult if we have not previously been notified by the parent/carer.  If parents would like to include an additional adult to their child’s contact list (even if they are already known to the school), an email containing the person’s name and contact number should be sent to the school office.