St Matthew's Primary School & Nursery


School Lunches

The school lunch menu is on a three week cycle.  Children have a choice of main course each day, and salads and fresh bread are always offered.  As part of our healthy school status, we have fruit and yoghurt as the dessert choice each day, except Fridays.

School Lunch Menu


From January 2023,  Westminster City Council is offering free lunches for all pupils in Years 3 to 6 who attend Westminster Schools.  Free school lunches will continue for all pupils in Reception-Year 2 as normal.


If you wish to change your child's meal pattern from this term, please email the school office.


If your child is normally eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and you have not yet applied for these, you can still do this to access food vouchers in the school holidays and free activities. More information is on the council's website or you can contact our school office.


If your child's medical or dietary needs change and their school lunch choice needs to be altered, please contact the school office -  


School lunches for full-time pupils in Nursery cost £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week) and payments should be made in advance using Arbor.