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St Matthew's Primary School & Nursery


“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14

A Warm Welcome

Welcome to St Matthew's

St Matthew’s School is a thriving one form entry church school in the centre of Westminster. The care, guidance and support we provide for our children, our high expectations and the excellent educational and inclusive opportunities supports our belief that every child matters.

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Kind Words

  • Since working at St Matthew's, I have had the opportunity to see how creative and hardworking each member staff is in creating a great environment for the children to learn. This has motivated me to want to become a teacher myself. St Matthew’s Primary School is all about the 'collectiveness' and Christian values that can be used throughout life for everyone. I have truly enjoyed my time here. (Teaching Assistant)
  • The teachers you will meet will be very welcoming and kind, you will get many opportunities to make quite a lot of friends. When you first join the school, like any other school, you will be nervous. Don’t be - just be the person that you are and you will be happy that you joined this school! I have moved on to secondary school now but, sometimes I still think about St. Matthew's and miss playing with my friends. The after school clubs are amazing! By coming to St. Matthew's, you will learn lots and become a smarter person. The school is very positive and motivating to encourage you to do better, and help you succeed in life. (Past Pupil)

  • The way you show care and compassion to each and every child and each other is truly remarkable. (Intervention Teacher)
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Pupils’ Achievements